Blog #6 Herb Ritts

Herb Ritts - Wikipedia Herb Ritts was born on August 13,1952 in Los Angeles. He became an American photographer and his specialty was in fashion. He was famous for revolutionizing fashion photography by modernizing nude photos and shooting icons. He would end up taking pictures of celebrities, models, or other cultural figures. 

Holden Luntz Gallery - Herb Ritts's Madonna, True Blue, Hollywood 

One of the more known people Herb photographed was Madonna. I enjoy the contrast between her skin and the jacket. This is one of my favorite pictures of his because of how beautiful it is. You have her strong jawline with nice shadows under and shadows behind her of what looks like to be a tree. Everything looks so nicely done and with her hair flowing backward, I believe it makes it go hand in hand with the background. The details in the jacket alone make this amazing. 

With his nude pictures, Herb Ritts wanted to make a radical change in how nudes are depicted and only wanted it to be a form of art. You have different skin colors to have contrast and the woman are all bundled together like they are one. They look like a triangle and are holding hands or each other close. I like how he had his subjects in poses where they do not show everything. It goes further into his wanting of the nude to be art. 

Stephanie, Cindy, Christy, Tatjana, Naomi, Hollywood  / Ritts


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