Blog #3 Man Ray

Category:Man Ray - Wikimedia Commons

In 1911, Man Ray's namesake was born. Emmanuel Radnitzky, Man Ray's birth name, was a visual artist who considered himself a painter above everything he did. He did a lot of self-portraits and was a pioneer in what we know of today as, surrealism and dadaism. Man Ray would have many people modeling for his artwork and you may see the likes of Jean Cocteau as one of his subjects. You can also see that he did a lot of work with what we call photograms, but Man Ray would describe and call it Rayograph. 

Man Ray | Pablo Picasso | The Metropolitan Museum of ArtMan Ray: Noir et Blanche 1926 – media+art+innovation

Man Ray had the ability to use Pablo Picasso as a model. Him having such a long career allowed him the likes to use these types of people and gives us the great artworks we see today. He used cool illusions to create the photogram you see on the bottom of this. Man Ray makes it look like a tornado with a flying saucer taking everything away, if looked at a different angle. However, I don't think he intended on this looking like this but his imagination allowed everything to fall together and look amazing. I believe his ability to also do so many different things such as being a painter and photographer at the same time allowed for his art to reach many different audiences to continue the growth for his art.

File:Man Ray, 1922, Untitled Rayograph.jpg - WikipediaLot-Art | MAN RAY - Jean Cocteau


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