Photography Definition

What is photography? Photography literally means drawing with light. However, photography can have many meanings and interpretations for others. Just like music, photography is in the eye of the beholder. It shouldn't be put in any certain standards or categories, but should be free roaming throughout people. Having the ability to take photos allows us to lock those certain memories and keep them for later to inspire or to remind ourselves. They give us the ability to also see things that may be out of view and an ability to express ourselves through this craft.As stated in the text, Photography Changes Everything,"as camera sales dropped by 17 percent, the number of photographs made on camera-phones rose by 27 percent."As evolution continues, we will change the ways we take pictures, but pictures will never die due to us wanting to have those lifelong memories. All in all, I believe photos are basically just time chambers for us to remember and continue growing on discoveries. 


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